HIN Improvement Academy – Teaming: Teamwork on the Fly

Event details


November 3


02:00 pm - 03:00 pm

Join us for an interactive workshop as part of the Health Innovation Network and Q Network's Improvement Academy series.

With Ellie Wharton and Hazel Steele (Project Managers, Health Innovation Network, Patient Safety and Experience Team)

In today’s fast-moving, unpredictable and global world, you cannot rely on stable teams and established patterns to get the work done. From your local ED to international research, ambitious architectural design and earthquake response operations, Teaming – or teamwork on the fly – is defining a new way of working. Teaming is a flexible and dynamic approach to team working. It’s a way to gather experts from far-flung divisions and disciplines into temporary high-functioning groups to tackle unexpected and complex problems and identify emerging opportunities. In health and social care, more and more we are expected to work quickly and efficiently with a diverse range of individuals and organisations, learning on the go, while meeting the needs of our patients and colleagues. Building on the principles of good project management and adaptive leadership, this session will discuss the key principles of teaming, how to use it and why it’s essential in the modern world. Topics include: structuring groups, defining interdependencies, building psychological safety and embracing failure. Join us to learn more and share your own experiences.

About the HIN Improvement Academy – Connecting Q Members Locally

The Health Innovation Network’s Improvement Academy was developed for Q members to create a supportive learning environment and facilitate a social space that generates meaningful connections.

Our aims:

- Build interest, capability and confidence in key areas of quality improvement

- Create a supportive learning environment for Q members to learn and share together (including opportunities to share challenges and ideas)

- Enable Q members across south London to build relationships and form supportive networks

- Connect Q members with expert resources locally