Further Resources
E-Prescribing ToolkitFor NHS Hospitals
A website dedicated to sharing learning around ePMA developed through Prof Aziz Sheik and Edinburgh University and commissioned by NHS England
Imperial’s guidance around preparation for each ward as part of the ePMA planning stage.
This pack helps identify Service Leads and outlines their responsibilities. These Service Leeds will undertake risk identification and an assessment of current clinical workflows. The following guidance is to help with this.
Imperial’s Preparation Pack as part of the ePMA planning stage
This pack helps identify Service Leads, as well as points of contact. These Service Leads will undertake risk identification and an assessment of current clinical workflows alongside other responsibilities.
Imperial’s guidance around providing hardware for wards as part of ePMA implementation
Hardware needs to be available for wards at go-live. The following guidance helps understand the necessary infrastructural requirements for wards as well as information on contingency stock and infrastructure and hardware exclusions.
Imperial’s guidance around performing paper chart to ePMA transcription
Some elements of the patient record will need to be transcribed into the electronic patient record (EPR) prior to going live. The following guidance provides help with this.
Imperial’s benefits realised after the implementation of ePMA
Understanding the benefits of ePMA implementation and how these benefits can be measured enables effective communication and engagement all the involved stakeholders.