On this page you can find information about the HIN’s anti-racism programme, and resources and guidance to help you implement similar programmes within your organisation.
Skip to bottom of our page for our organisational development anti-racism resources.

The HIN's Anti-Racism Programme
Global majority
Global majority refers to people who are Black, Asian, Brown, dual-heritage, indigenous to the global south, and/or have been referred to as "ethnic minorities".
In the summer of 2020, the HIN embarked on a journey to becoming an actively anti-racist organisation. Following the global response to the racist murder of George Floyd and the stark race and health disparities highlighted through the Covid-19 pandemic, we looked at the impact of race and systemic racism in our health and care system.
The topic of racism alone is sensitive, interpersonal, and challenges our traditional patterns of thinking around racial equality, diversity and inclusion. This is a systematically and historically embedded problem, and the HIN recognised it was not enough to not be racist, but to be actively anti-racist.
This underpinned the development of our anti-racism project to shift the culture in our work individually, within our teams and ultimately within the communities we serve. The aims of the project were:
- To create a psychologically safe environment that increases staff confidence in having conversations about race and racial inequality;
- To increase staff confidence in knowing how to speak up and address concerns of racial inequality, and discrimination.
In the summer of 2023 we commissioned an independent evaluation of our anti-racism programme. You can view the full evaluation report and recommendations here.
We also conducted a review of workplace interventions which you can view here.
Organisational Development Resources
The Anti-Racism Team has developed tools to support organisations in tackling racial inequality and promote equality, diversity, and inclusion.
- How To Talk About Race HIN toolkit
- The toolkit aims to provide practical guidance and support for individuals, organisations and communities who are tackling racism in all its forms. You’ll learn how to have open and honest conversations about race, how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and what sustainable steps can be taken to tackle racism in your community or workplace.
- Diverse panel guide
- A diverse panel is a recruitment approach that involves including individuals from a range of diverse backgrounds and experiences in the selection process for a job. In this context it typically includes people from different ethnic and racial groups. The goal is to ensure that the selection process for a role is fair and inclusive, and that all qualified candidates have an equal opportunity to succeed. We wrote out top tips for managers and panel members to utilise when it comes to interviewing.
- Anti-racism discussion framework
Talking about race and racism can be difficult and uncomfortable, but necessary to tackle racism. This was a starting point for the us at the HIN, and in having these conversations, we have learnt vast amounts along the way. We recognise that it’s hard to know where to start, so we have developed a:
- Team Discussion (PowerPoint slides)
- Section 1 in the Toolkit, is focused on how to talk about racism.
- Our first blog, four lessons we learnt on the anti-racism project, shares reflections centred around the discussions teams were having internally.

Get involved
If you would like to find out more or get involved with our community of practice, get in touch.
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