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Get in touchImagine being unwell and having the comfort of your own home as your healthcare setting—an idea that is becoming a reality with the concept of virtual wards. NHS England London Region and the Health Innovation Network South London (HIN) recently held a patient and people involvement group to delve into the experiences of individuals who have been a part of this innovative healthcare approach. Here Amanda Begley, Director of Digital Transformation, and Joe Barker, project manager in digital transformation at the HIN describe the benefits, challenges and improvements highlighted by patients and carers.
Patients’ views and experiences are central to any new models of care, and so we were keen to hear how it feels being cared for on a virtual ward, and to share these insights with those leading the planning and operational delivery of virtual wards.
During the discussion patients and carers highlighted a range of benefits they had experienced by being able to be stay in a home environment. Three key themes that came up in the discussions were around:
"Having [friends and family] around you makes you want to recover more quickly. It's like you want to give up more when you're in a hospital bed."Participant
However, it was also clear that peoples’ individual circumstances meant that virtual care presented challenges. The three main challenges highlighted were:
"If you're at home by yourself, that can be very isolating and could have an impact on your mental health."Participant
Practically there were some suggestions for improvements that resonated with the group as a way to ensure the model is as effective as possible:
“If [the staff] don’t have time to interact, you don’t get that connection, and older people particularly like that connection, they like that same face.”Participant
In conclusion, our patient focus group shed light on the nuanced experiences of those involved in virtual wards. While the benefits are significant, addressing challenges and incorporating patient and carer views can further enhance the effectiveness of this evolving healthcare model. By continuously improving and adapting, we can ensure that virtual wards provide the best possible care while supporting compassionate and meaningful relationships.
The discussions and ideas from this focus group will contribute to the development of virtual wards in the London region, improving them and making them sustainable.
Talk to our team to find out how we can help plan, implement and evaluate virtual care solutions.
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