Catherine Pearson

    July 11, 2017

    Catherine has been the Chief Executive of Healthwatch Lambeth, since its inception in 2013. The charitable organisation works to ensure that the voice of local people is heard when it comes to shaping and improving local health and care services. Our key power is the power to ‘Enter and View’ publicly funded services to see what is going on and to talk to service users, their relatives and carers, as well as staff. To date Healthwatch Lambeth have used this power to better understand the experiences of older care users including people with dementia or living in Extra Care Housing and Care Homes; people using community mental health services; younger people and adults with learning disabilities.

    Catherine is also Vice Chair of Lambeth’s Safeguarding Adults Board and chairs the Board’s Community Reference Group, which is responsible for raising public awareness of adult safeguarding including the Mental Capacity Act and advance care planning.
