Kate Heaps
July 11, 2017Kate has over 25 years experience in the NHS and voluntary sectors; as a Nurse and in a number of Service Improvement roles prior to becoming Chief Executive of the Hospice in 2010. Kate is passionate about nursing and palliative care and is particularly interested in providing flexible, integrated services to support people whoever and wherever they are and developing new paid and voluntary roles to extend reach and improve quality in the current resources constrained environment. She is keen to ensure that people with non-malignant disease, dementia, and frailty receive equity of access to good end of life care, as well as promoting hospice and palliative care to communities who have not always been able to benefit from this care e.g. BAME communities, LGBT people, the ‘older old’, prisoners and the homeless.
Kate is a Board member of the Health Innovation Network, representing Hospices, a member of NHS London’s End of Life Care Clinical Network Clinical Leadership Group and is the London Advisory Council member for Hospice UK, she holds an honorary contract at King’s College London, where she lectures on a number of topics and is a member of the GUIDE Care research project steering group.