VISIBLE – Vision Screening to Improve Balance & Prevent Falls

In 2017, the College of Optometrists reported that the rate of falls in older adults with visual impairment is almost twice as high than other older adults of the same age.
Project overview
VISIBLE: Vision Screening to improve balance and prevent falls is a simple stepped approach to implement vision screening in community settings. It combines resources for opticians and wider community organisations with the aim of increasing knowledge of the link between vision, balance and falls prevention.
Join us and other influential leaders and organisations to implement vision screening to improve the quality of life for our older adult population.
VISIBLE is relevant to all organisations who are in contact with older adults including:
• Falls services;
• Physiotherapists, OTs, Social Workers, Podiatrists, Audiologists;
• Optometrists, Ophthalmologists;
• Ambulance and Fire Services;
• Social Services and Community Health;
• Acute Hospitals and Mental Health Services;
• Memory Clinics;
• Housing;
• Voluntary organisations, befrienders, handypersons, help at home services, social prescribers; and
• Care Homes.
Front Title
Why focus on vision?
This is where the text for the back of your card should go.
This is where the text for the back of your card should go.

The Healthy Ageing team would like to thank the following organisations for their participation and involvement in the guide:
• Merton Falls Prevention Service, Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH)
• Merton Vision
• Thomas Pocklington Trust
• London Eye Health Network
• Age UK
• Royal College of Physicians.
Further information
To learn more about Allied Health Professional programmes in this area, visit the NHS England website.
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