Type 2 Diabetes in the Young: Supporting south east London to transform care for individuals with early-onset type 2 diabetes


Early onset type 2 diabetes (EOT2D) is diabetes occurring in individuals aged 18-39 years old. Early onset type 2 diabetes is more aggressive than later onset type 2 diabetes and is more prevalent in people living within deprived areas and individuals from Asian and Black backgrounds. The prevalence of EOT2D is increasing globally and we have seen that locally in south London.

This group is less likely to complete their annual health checks and are also less likely to meet the three treatment targets for HbA1c, cholesterol and blood pressure.

Project overview

Delivering the National T2Day Programme

The Health Innovation Network (HIN) South London is proud to support South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) in delivering the national T2Day: Type 2 Diabetes in the Young programme, an initiative designed to improve outcomes for individuals with early-onset Type 2 diabetes. Our work is focused on empowering both patients and healthcare professionals to achieve better, long-lasting results by addressing gaps in care, tailoring interventions, and ensuring that patient voices are at the heart of the process.

What is the T2Day Programme?

The national T2Day programme is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing care pathways for individuals diagnosed with early-onset Type 2 diabetes. The main focus areas of this work are:

  • Optimise glycaemia, cardiovascular risk and weight.

  • Providing pregnancy preparation guidance and support where relevant.

  • Improving psychological and social support.

Project outputs

There have been three key outputs of this project to support improve outcomes for people with EOT2D:

Understanding lived experience insights

To understand the challenges faced by patients and their experience of healthcare, we undertook lived experience insights work, with the goal of informing changes to the way care is delivered. Find out more.

Understanding clinician’s perspectives

This work looked to understand clinician’s confidence in managing individuals with EOT2D, the training and support requirements available for staff, and the barriers and challenges in delivering care to this group. Find out more.

Piloting enhanced appointments

We are collaborating with three pilot sites across South East London to pilot an enhanced appointment model. This approach aims to offer:

  • Extended consultation times to allow for more in-depth discussions.

  • Holistic care plans tailored to individual needs, considering both medical and lifestyle factors.

  • Integrated multidisciplinary support, involving input from diabetes specialists, dieticians, and mental health professionals.

Next steps

The pilot phase will run through to April 2025, during which we will:

  • Monitor outcomes to assess the effectiveness of the enhanced appointment model.

  • Collect feedback from both patients and clinicians to refine the approach.

  • Use these learning to inform future implementation across South East London Integrated Care System.

Find out more

For more information about our work tackling early onset type 2 diabetes, please get in touch.

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