Supporting the use of Urgent Community Response services in south east London

Our Community and Care Home Programmes Team has been supporting South East London Integrated Care System (ICS) to increase awareness of Urgent Community Response services amongst care homes and telehealth (pendant alarm) services.

Urgent Community Response (UCR) teams provide urgent care to people in their homes (including care homes) which helps to avoid hospital admissions and enable people to live independently for longer. The services aim to be able to respond within 2 hours.

Increasing the provision and use of Urgent Community Response services is central to NHS England’s plans to manage the increasing pressure on emergency care departments, and to ensure that patients receive care in the most appropriate setting. All integrated care systems are required to provide Urgent Community Response services from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week.

Please see the latest news story about a webinar related to UCR in SEL that was held on 10th August 2023 and supported by HIN.

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