Powerful film aims to tackle stigma that patients with alcohol problems face

A powerful new film to support an e-learning package has been unveiled to reduce the stigma that patients with alcohol problems face.
Using emotional and thought-provoking real stories voiced by patients alongside a practical package of training materials including facilitator’s notes, the e-learning programme is a valuable resource for frontline professionals.
Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) has worked with the Health Innovation Network South London, the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London to develop the package for for NHS healthcare professionals.
Having a better understanding of alcohol dependency may help healthcare professionals to improve longer-term outcomes for patients with alcohol dependency and reduce re-attendance.
This e-learning programme will be of interest to health and social care staff who come in to contact with patients with alcohol problems, whether that is in hospital, primary care or community settings.
Sometimes people with alcohol problems can be stereotyped, and judged to be less worthy of excellent treatment and care. Such stigma can be a barrier to help-seeking. It also impacts on treatment outcomes and diminishes patients’ feelings of empowerment.
Frontline health and social care staff regularly come into contact with patients with alcohol problems. While a small group of healthcare professionals are specifically trained in addictions or alcohol, many frontline staff will have received little or no specialist training in this area. The new national NHS Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUINs) payments framework for 2017-19 incentivises certain secondary healthcare clinicians to enquire about patients’ alcohol use, leading to possible brief intervention or referral to appropriate care.
The e-learning programme includes a mix of resources including a thought-provoking film reflecting on some service user experiences, facilitator’s notes for group or face to face delivery of the training (recommended) and also a shorter online version for individuals keen to learn about this, who do not have access to the group training.
To access the free Alcohol Stigma e-learning programme and to view the film please click here.