Annual Report 2018/19
Our gender equality information
In line with hundreds of organisations around the UK and our desire to be as fair and open with our employees as we can, we are reporting on our gender pay gap. In 2018/19 we achieved significant improvements in this area.
At the Health Innovation Network:
- The mean hourly rate for women is 6.3% less than men. This gap was reduced by 24.3% in one year. Last year we reported the hourly rate for women was 30.6% less than that for men.
- The median hourly rate for women is 0.2% more than men. This is a significant change from the last financial year as the median hourly rate for women was 6.5% less than the median hourly rate for men.
Our workforce is comprised of:
Pay gap explained: Our analysis shows significant improvements in reducing our gender pay gap, including the reversal of the gap in median hourly rates for men and women. This is something we will continue to monitor going forward. We have a predominately female workforce, however, among our most senior staff, executives and senior clinicians, the split moves to closer to 50/50 (men/women). Over the last year we have increased the number of senior female clinicians which has resulted in a significant reduction in the pay gap.
HIN continues to be in a sound financial position. This principal reason for this is that our fee for service work has grown significantly, leading to additional income in 2018/19
Our financial position results from a deliberate and effective financial management strategy enabling a planned surplus. This allows us to:
- Manage the considerable risk that comes from multiple short term funding agreements
- Be in a strong position to add maximum value to our members, and respond rapidly to national demands from our commissioners, for example to be able to start work at short notice and work at risk for short periods as necessary, delivering increased value to the system
- Build a resilient organisation, giving appropriate job security to highly skilled staff with readily transferable skills. This will be particularly important over the next 2 years as some longer term funding streams comes to an end
- Invest in new collaborative projects, for example the Innovation Awards
In addition, we are investing in capabilities which meet our members needs and will increase our impact across south London, delivering value for money to the system. This includes our new evaluation team.