Enhancing knowledge and understanding of hydration in health and social careÂ
This event is being delivered to provide all the London sites who took part in the #ButFirstADrink pilot the opportunity February 11, 2025
In this blog written by Andrea Cartmill from the Health Innovation Research Alliance Northern Ireland (HIRANI), she examines the robust strategies being implemented to address mental health challenges February 10, 2025
Our Mindset-XR Innovation Support Programme spotlight for February is on the Life Process Program Ltd. (LPP). LPP is an interactive, self-empowering online recovery program designed to help peopl February 7, 2025
Following the appointment of the HIN’s previous CEO Tara Donnelly to Chief Digital Officer at NHSX, Dr Rishi Das-Gupta has been appointed as the new Chief Executive for the Health Innovation Network January 13, 2021
ESCAPE-pain Outcomes Website – Virtual Induction
The MSK team at the Health Innovation Network are pleased to announce that the new online ESCAPE-pain outcomes website is now live and ready t January 11, 2021
The HIN works with a number of innovators which could potentially support the health and social care sector. Here is Ash Kalraiya, orthopaedic surgeon and the Founder and CEO of Medishout, the world†January 11, 2021
var gform;gform||(document.addEventListener(“gform_main_scripts_loaded”,function(){gform.scriptsLoaded=!0}),window.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”,function(){gform.domLoaded=!0}),gform={domLoaded: December 19, 2020
Shared digital care records mean care home staff, paramedics and hospital emergency department staff know patients’ health and care wishes.
The stats
Over 115,000 Londoners already have December 17, 2020
In this edition, we caught up with Carey McClellan, CEO and Clinical director at getUBetter; an evidence-based, CE marked, digital self-management platform for all common musculoskeletal in March 8, 2022
The MSK theme at the Health Innovation Network (ASHN South London) invite you to attend the virtual MSK improvement and innovation forum.
The MSK theme at the Health Innovation Network (ASHN South December 15, 2020
Written by Ayobola Chike-Michael, Patient Safety Project Manager & Zoë Lelliott, CEO of Health Innovation Network
Our Diversity Pledges
Read about the AHSN Networks commitment to equality December 15, 2020
The adversity of Covid-19 has taught us that the best inpatient care innovations aren’t necessarily the most technologically advanced – they’re the ones that make a difference to patient experie December 15, 2020
Three London Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) worked together to support Trusts in the region to quickly embed virtual consultations to safeguard patients and staff during the pandemic.
The ch December 15, 2020
We are looking to support innovative projects that either test or pilot an innovation that improves healthcare, with a grant of up to £10,000 to £30,000
Last year we funded 10 incredible projects t March 8, 2022
ESCAPE-pain Outcomes Website – Virtual Induction
The MSK team at the Health Innovation Network are pleased to announce that the new online ESCAPE-pain outcomes website is now live and ready t December 14, 2020
A chance to hear how diabetes education providers are progressing with plans to deliver virtually, and how they need support from DBL.
Over the 90 minutes you will have the opportunity to connect w December 14, 2020
Joint Pain Advice Training
Joint Pain Advice (JPA) training is provided by the Health Innovation Network to enable healthcare and non-healthcare professionals to provide the Joint Pain Advice servi December 9, 2020
Diabetes is one of our biggest health challenges so is it time to embed specialist education to combat this life-changing condition into the workplace? Rod Watson, Senior Project Manager for December 8, 2020
Lesley Soden, our Programme Director for Innovation, spells out the magic ingredients for grant success as our new round of funding opens.
One of the most rewarding parts of my job is working with our November 27, 2020
Use of hand held devices to test for irregular heart rhythm in GP surgeries, care homes and religious settings is helping prevent strokes and saving lives.
The stats
Since the start of the pro November 26, 2020
COVID-19 has accelerated the speed of adoption by NHS providers of technology to deliver care including the use of remote monitoring solutions.
This Innovation Exchange webinar from 9-10.30am, 10 Dece November 25, 2020
The HIN works with a number of innovators which could potentially support the health and social care sector. Here we hear from one of the companies we have worked closely with. We would like November 16, 2020
Post Title
Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions such as osteoarthritis and chronic low back pain affect over 18 million people across the UK. These conditions can cause pain and functional limi November 16, 2020
Two major London employers embedded clinically-proven Structured Education for Type 1 diabetes to tackle one of London’s biggest health challenges.
The stats
671K Londoners live with dia November 13, 2020
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