ESCAPE-pain programme reaches 200 sites

ESCAPE-pain programme reaches 200 UK sites

This month the ESCAPE-pain programme launched its 200th site in the UK. It now operates in every region in England, with sites also operating in Wales and Northern Ireland. Over 13,000 people have attended the programme to date.

Originally rolled out by physiotherapists in hospitals, ESCAPE-pain is now also offered to people in leisure centres and gyms, church halls and community centres.

ESCAPE-pain is an evidence-based rehabilitation programme for people with chronic knee and/or hip pain, also known as osteoarthritis. It integrates exercise, education, and self-management strategies to help people live more active lives and manage their pain better. It offers an opportunity to reduce the number of GP consultations for knee and hip pain and reduces prescriptions of painkillers for these people.

The programme was developed by Professor Mike Hurley and is hosted by the Health Innovation Network. Nationwide scale-up is currently being supported by NHS England and Versus Arthritis.

ESCAPE-pain has been shown to:

  • Reduce pain, improve physical function and mental wellbeing.
  • Sustain benefits for up to two and a half years after completing the programme.
  • Reduce healthcare utilisation (medication, GP appointments, secondary care) equating to an estimated £1.5 million total savings in health and social care for every 1,000 participants who undertake ESCAPE-pain.

You can find your nearest ESCAPE-pain programme here.

How to find out more and hear personal real-life experiences here.

To find out more about ESCAPE-pain visit their website or follow them on Twitter @escape_pain