Catheter Care Awareness Week 2018

April 10, 2018

Health Innovation Network to run Catheter Care Awareness Week for a third year

Catheter Care Awareness Week consists of five days of events and activities, in partnership with our member organisations, aiming to raise awareness of the risks of CAUTI (catheter-associated UTIs), reduce harm, fight stigma and improve general catheter care in south London and beyond. This year, it falls between 18 – 24 June.

Here’s how you and your organisation can get involved:

  • Host a ‘Catheter Care Awareness Week’ stall – with posters, badges, balloons and pledge cards, encourage patients and staff to talk about their catheter issues and fill out pledge cards, promising better care. See some of last year’s pledges and pictures.
  • Put up a poster to promote your event;
  • Wear your Catheter Care Awareness Week Badge;
  • Join our Tweetchat – held with @WeNurses, the #CatheterCare Tweetchat will take place during the week. Keep an eye on our Twitter (@HINsouthlondon) and News webpage to find out more information about this.
  • Spread the word! Tell your colleagues, family and friends about Catheter Care Awareness Week. Try changing your Twitter or Facebook picture to the Catheter Care logo to show support for the cause, or adding #cathetercare to your Twitter name;
  • Get your organisation’s Communications team to include this news piece in their e-newsletters and on the intranet;
  • Make a vlog – watch this one for inspiration;
  • Watch our Catheter Care Awareness Animation and share across social media;
  • Read and share Alice’s Story

If you are getting involved, please email with details of your eventthe list of activities and events. Please request the total of balloons and badges you predict you will use, and we will try our best to accommodate requests.
