Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) affects 1 in 20 pregnancies in the UK, with increasing prevalence. Up to 50 per cent of women diagnosed with GDM develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years of diagnosis with an ongoing elevated risk thereafter.
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Type 2 diabetes in this age group, commonly referred to as early onset type 2 diabetes (EOT2D), is becoming increasingly common. Individuals diagnosed at this age are more likely to develop complications such as blindness, kidney disease and cardiovascular disease.
“The Health Innovation Network, in partnership with the The Health Foundation’s Q Community have run three cohorts of the Communities of Practice (CoP) Leadership Development Programme to support thos
The London MSK Improvement Network is a learning and sharing forum directed towards multidisciplinary professionals involved in delivering, leading or managing musculoskeletal services in London. The
Across the five London Integrated Care Systems (ICS), several interventions aiming to support the remote monitoring of patients with Long Term Conditions (LTCs) have been scaled up over the last two y
This dashboard displays a breakdown of data related to the nine protected characteristics across south London at borough, ICS and south London level. The nine protected characteristics are: AgeGend
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, blood pressure monitoring within primary care decreased. Remote blood pressure monitoring was identified as a priority for cardiovascular disease (CVD) management to ensu
Background and context Virtual wards allow people who need hospital care to receive the care they need at home, including in care homes, safely and conveniently rather than in a hospital. They prov
Do you want help developing an outcomes framework? This article outlines an example of our work in developing an outcomes framework to facilitate the evaluation of digital-first projects across Lon
Academic Health Science Networks play an important role in promoting the spread of innovation across health and social care. The HIN’s Healthy Ageing team interviewed staff involved in introducin
Background and context The Health Innovation Network (HIN) Insights Team recently completed an independent evaluation of the Children and Young People Emotional Wellbeing Programme for South West L
This evaluation focuses on the use of the Doctaly Assist platform by both patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and staff from One Health Lewisham (the GP federation f
In December 2022 we hosted a roundtable discussion to explore the financial and operational complexities of implementing digital workforce technologies. This report sets out our recommendations and re
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We want to work in partnership with people in south London to achieve our mission of speeding up the best of health and care together. We believe that, by sharing their insights and knowledge, peo
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What is this resource? This is a free NHS appointment survey for comparing the quantity and quality of NHS appointments by phone, video, and actual visit. The content was developed by a collaboration
The NHS Long Term Plan states that every person with cancer should have access to health and wellbeing information and support before, during and after their treatment, making up one of the four perso
In the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, London NHS mental health trusts put in place mental health crisis hubs to provide safe access to mental health crisis care without having to attend an accid
To get the NHS back on track and support post-COVID-19 elective recovery, the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme has been working with local health care systems towards reducing the backlog
In February 2022 NHS England & NHS Improvement (London Region) and the London Urgent Care Board commissioned the Health Innovation Network (HIN) to evaluate NHS mental health crisis hub models in
The Health Innovation Network (HIN) Insights team was jointly commissioned by the @home team and the London Digital team at NHS England to undertake an evaluation aiming to understand the role of virt