New online video training for care home staff

New training video supports care home staff to detect deterioration

Wessex and the West of England Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs), funded by Health Education England, have collaborated to produce a series of free videos and e-learning materials to support staff working in care homes to care for residents who are at risk of deterioration.

As recognised in a recent paper supported by North East and North Cumbria AHSN, identifying acute illness including sepsis amongst older adults in care homes can be difficult and opportunities to initiate appropriate care may be missed, if illness is not recognised promptly.

The short videos describe how to take measurements from residents correctly (such as blood pressure and oxygen saturation), spot the signs of deterioration, and prevent the spread of infection.

You can also access the films as part of the full training on Health Education England’s e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) Hub (, an educational web-based platform that provides quality assured online training content for the UK’s health and care workforce, from this link.

Natasha Swinscoe, national lead for patient safety for the AHSN Network said:

‘Patient safety is a guiding principle for all AHSNs. Our care homes report highlighted numerous successes that AHSNs have had working with care homes across the country. Collectively, these have the potential to save many lives and tens of millions of pounds.’

Guidance for care home staff to register for an account

To register for e-Learning for Healthcare, visit

Select the ‘Register’ button. Select the option ‘I am a care home or hospice worker’ then enter your care home / hospice name or postcode and select it from the options available in the drop-down list. Finally enter your care home / hospice registration code and select ‘Register’. You may need to see your employer to get this code.

If your employer does not have a code, then they need to contact the e-LfH Support Team. The Support Team can either give the employer the registration code or arrange a bulk upload of all staff here.

Detailed instructions on how to gain access are available here and a quick start guide to the e-LfH hub available here.

ESCAPE-pain resources to support people with chronic joint pain during Covid- 19

ESCAPE-pain: supporting people with chronic joint pain during Covid-19

The ESCAPE-pain programme is usually delivered as a face-to-face class to groups of about 10 people in Physiotherapy Outpatient Departments, leisure or community sites in over 290 venues across the UK. However, the Covid-19 epidemic has meant these venues have been forced to suspend face-to-face classes.

This has encouraged the team to find innovative new ways of supporting people with knee and hip pain who are now confined to their homes. Which includes, a new public ESCAPE-pain Facebook page has been launched where participants can visit to share stories, ask for guidance, and seek and provide peer support.

In addition the ESCAPE-pain smartphone app and online is now free-to-use and the hope is that is through the programme people can remain active and manage their joint pain during this time through the following resources:

  1. ESCAPE-pain Online can be viewed on a range of mobile devices but is best viewed on a computer;
  2. The ESCAPE-pain app is available on Android devices from the Google play store.

Note – Both tools require users to register and then follow a six-week programme, with two sessions each week, using exercise and educational videos and measuring the user’s ability at the start and end so they can see their progress.

To support home exercise further, the exercise and educational videos from the app are now also freely available on the ESCAPE-pain website so that people don’t need to create an account to view them, or for people who don’t wish to follow a structured programme and just want a reminder of how to do an exercise.

ESCAPE-pain has changed my life a great deal actually and I am just over the moon about it.
  1. The exercise videos are designed so that the exercises can be done in a home setting using everyday household items like chairs or steps. They are simple and easy to follow with audio instructions. Just click on each video to get started. You don’t have to do them all, choose a few you find easy, then add or drop exercises as you want. If you want to view the exercise in full screen mode, click on the bottom right hand corner of each video where you can see a small square. Why not also look at our top tips (on the same page) of how to exercise safely in your home?
  2. The educational videos can be viewed at any time to learn more about your joint pain. They give simple advice and information to help people learn about how to better manage their condition. Just click on each video to get started. If you want to view the video in full screen mode, click on the bottom right hand corner of each video where you can see a small square.
  3. It is recommended that people read through the ESCAPE-pain support tools guidance which contains top tips for getting the best out of the digital tools. In addition, some ESCAPE-pain sites have started delivering virtual ESCAPE-pain classes. So, if you’re one of those people who would benefit from the interaction and would find it more motivating then follow the @escape_pain Twitter account to find out where and when these are happening.

For more information, and support contact

Reduced pain and improvement in physical function are only some of the positive results of the programme. Watch the latest participant video below.