Graduates into Health

The Health Innovation Network (HIN) South London ran the Graduates into Health programme since 2018. The programme has recruited graduates and early careers professionals from across the UK and internationally to fill digital, data and technology roles throughout England. The programme, funded by NHS England, closed on 31 March 2024. 

Part of the Health Education England ‘Building a Digital Ready Workforce Programme’ to provide a new fast track development programme for graduates to join NHS Trusts, CCGs, CSUs, Local Authorities, primary and third sector.

The Graduate scheme was a highly-focused development pathway for Digital, Data and Technology graduates to become the next NHS Digital, Data & Technology middle managers and beyond. The programme recruited high flying graduates in London and the South East, North West, Yorkshire & Humberside, South West and are expanding into other regions.

This was a ‘grow your own model’ to recruit data, digital and technology graduates and develop your technical specialists for your organisation.

“The Building a Digital Ready Workforce programme in Health Education England, supported by NHSx, has invested in the NHS Graduate Digital, Data & Technology scheme that selects the best and the brightest and then works with you as an employer to match your need to a graduate best able to meet your specific skills gap. This scheme is provided by the Health Innovation Network, AHSN for south London whose reason for being is to support innovation into the NHS”James Freed, Chief Information Officer - Health Education England

Further information

For more information about Graduates into Health contact us via email.

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