New e-learning resource launched to support ESCAPE-pain providers

To support people living with persistent knee, hip and back pain, the MSK team have developed two new, free and interactive ESCAPE-pain e-learning resources with Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, aimed at helping prospective ESCAPE-pain sites/providers learn more about the programme. The resources can also be useful as a refresher for those who have had a gap between attending their ESCAPE-pain facilitator training and delivering the class.

Project overview

By completing each 20-30-minute e-learning session, prospective providers will gain an understanding of what the programme involves and be able to prepare for the facilitator training. Please note that facilitators will still need to attend the ESCAPE-pain facilitator training to be able to deliver the programme.

The e-Learning resources:

1. Session 1 is an overview of the ESCAPE-pain programme and the considerations new providers should make when planning to implement it. It is aimed at helping clinicians and exercise instructors understand the principles behind the ESCAPE-pain programme and learn how the programme could work in their organisation.

2. Session 2 is aimed at eligible professionals who wish to become ESCAPE-pain facilitators so they can deliver the face-to-face programme. It consists of the pre-course reading for the ESCAPE-facilitator training for both the ESCAPE-pain for knees and hips programme and the ESCAPE-pain for backs programme.

Access the new e-learning resources

Please contact the ESCAPE-pain team for further details.

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