Think Diabetes in the Workplace

Project Overview

Structured education is recommended as a basic and crucial part of care for an individual with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the NHS’ guidance on clinical standards. It is clinically proven to help people living with diabetes to make changes to their diet and lifestyle that help them to self-manage their condition. It also offers peer support after being diagnosed with the life changing condition.

However, attendance at the free courses is low. Less than 10% of people who could benefit from structured education attend within 12 months of diagnosis, with getting time off work often cited as a barrier.

The Think Diabetes report seeks to educate employers on the need for their employees with diabetes to attend structured education, support managers to put the policies and processes in place to make these reasonable adjustments and share examples of good practise from organisations highlighted in the report.

The Think Diabetes Toolkit provides clear guidance and advice on how to put the learnings into practise in your organisation.

We're here to help

If you have any questions or would like more information about the Think Diabetes project, or if you’re an employer looking for more support with the implementation of any of the recommendations made please contact us.

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