Meet the innovator: Gabe Jones


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In this edition, we caught up with Gabe Jones, Consultant in Emergency Medicine at St George’s Hospital and Director of which allows patients to provide simple clerking information and see their accurate waiting time on their smartphone, while they wait.

Tell us about your innovation in a sentence allows patients to check in to the Emergency Department (ED) and tell staff why they are attending – using their own words and a smartphone.

What was the ‘lightbulb’ moment?

Basically, it became obvious almost every aspect of the modern world now works like this. It just makes the current process in most EDs seem ridiculous (I’m sure most patients will agree).

Are there any exciting things in the pipeline for’? has been realised on the back of a grant from the Health Innovation Network. Without this support it’s hard to see how we would have managed to get off the ground. Having developed and trialled with over 30,000 patients we are looking forward to sharing the solution when we launch later this year.

What three bits of advice would you give budding innovators?

  1. Speak to as many people as you can. You won’t get very far unless you have convinced at least a few people to lend their support.
  2. Don’t take no for an answer. The reality of the NHS is that everyone has a million things do to and almost no time or money to do them. It’s not Google.
  3. Plan your next three moves. It’s easy to lose momentum and get bogged down.

What’s been your toughest obstacle?

Navigating the seemingly never-ending complexity of the NHS. It’s like peeling an onion, one layer at a time. When you think you are getting somewhere, you suddenly realise that not only are there another ten layers, but there is a whole sack of onions you didn’t even know about. For example, simultaneously working your way through governance, compliance, data protection and ethics with all the relevant bodies requires both patience and persistence.

What’s been your innovator journey highlight?

The whole journey has been fascinating. I’ve met a lot of  interesting people and I’ve learnt lots of new skills, as well as a better understanding of the logistics and business side of healthcare. It’s a great feeling when you see your idea actually being used and making someone’s life a bit easier.

Best part of your job now?

Having the opportunity to improve patient care in a meaningful way.

If you were in charge of the NHS and care system, what’s the one thing you’d do to speed up health innovation?

Streamline and standardise the compliance framework. In fairness, NHS Digital have made a great start already.

A typical day for you would include…

Well, like most innovators I still have another job. I am a full time clinician, so I guess a busy shift in resus dealing with major trauma and sorting out sick patients. The meetings, writing documents, talking to the developers, managers, IT people and interested parties all happen around my clinical commitments. I wouldn’t have it any other way as this keeps it real.

Primary Care Automation Grants funding opportunity

The NHS England London Digital First Programme is a funding opportunity to pilot automation solutions within primary care. Automation grants are available up to £65k each for pilots and projects across London.

Please note that new applications for this funding opportunity closed on Monday 18 July 2022.

The Problem

Several tools which aim to improve primary care efficiency through automation have emerged in recent years. However, the benefits and limitations of these systems are not well understood. Following wide engagement across London, the need for reducing administrative and clinical burden in order to free up resources to focus on patient outcomes has been identified.

That’s why the London Digital First Team has secured funding to run a grants programme to drive and better understand the use of automation in primary care.

What is automation?

Automation refers to the design and implementation of technologies to provide services with minimal human involvement. Automating high-volume, repetitive, rule-based tasks can improve productivity, efficiency, reliability, compliance, speed and accuracy, colleague morale, and integration between people and process. This can help free up clinical and administrative staff so they can focus on securing the best possible outcomes for patients.

Automation can range from simple add-ons for existing administrative and clinical systems to implementing more complex software ‘bots’ that emulate human operations.

Examples of automation might include auto-filing/processing of pathology results, patient self-booking of appointments, automated coding of correspondence and recall/review systems.

What does this programme aim to do?

  • Deliver cost and time savings in primary care.
  • Understand the practicalities and impact of a variety of automation solutions in primary care.
  • Improve overall patient care and experience across London.


  • This programme will fund  automation grants across London to a value of up to £65k.
  • Pilots/projects across all London Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) can apply.
  • Successful applicants will deliver pilots/projects for 12 months post-award (inclusive of pre-project and development time).
  • Pilots will be monitored against agreed metrics, and progress and learning will be reported quarterly back to the central grants team.
  • A final evaluation report will look at outcomes of the project and discuss results, sustainability, spread and adoption of the project.


Applications are open to:

  • All primary care providers within London on standard GMS, PMS and APMS contracts.
  • Individual practices or practices working together (e.g. PCNs, federations).

Programme Timeline

The application period closed at 9am on Monday 18 July. Please do not submit any further applications.

For more information please contact

You can watch our webinar on the grants below, and access the slides here. 

Important: If you are planning to submit an application, we strongly recommend contacting your ICS Digital First Programme Team in advance. Those in NW London are asked to bid jointly with their ICS Digital First Team to ensure alignment with the existing NW London automation programme. If you require contact details for your ICS Digital First Team please contact

The successful pilot sites were announced by the HIN and NHSE (London) Digital First in October 2022. The resulting pilot summary report was published in April 2023, and provides a wealth of recommendations, resources and learnings, assisting with future automation journeys. The full report can be read here.

Download the report

Read the full Primary Care AI and Automation Grants Scheme pilot summary report to learn more about the benefits and obstacles of implementing these technologies in primary care settings.

Download the report

Making fitness fun for adults with learning disabilities in Greenwich


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To celebrate World Health Day we caught up with Daniel Bank, Greenwich Leisure Limited, to hear about one of our in-progress HIN Innovation Grant winning projects which aims to improve the physical and mental health of people with special needs.

UPDATE: You can now read the full evaluation of this project.

Mencap commissioned spear, (The Centre for Sport, Physical Education & Activity Research) at Canterbury Christchurch University to undertake an evaluation of their Round the World Challenge (RTWC) project. As part of their evaluation, they produced a report along with five case studies, one of which is described here.

Fun and Fitness is a community sports development programme to support adults with learning disabilities to increase the amount of exercise they do and improve their physical and mental health. It’s taking place in Greenwich, linking up a host of key partners including Royal Borough of Greenwich, Oxleas NHS foundations Trust and Greenwich Leisure Limited. They’re hoping to share their learning with other boroughs so they can replicate the programme and expand to invite more users.

Key aims of the project

  • To increase levels of physical activity, especially in those who are currently not very active
  • To monitor participant’s weekly movement through digital trackers
  • To improve physical health metrics like BMI, blood pressure and heart rate
  • To create an enjoyable and safe space for participants
  • To improve participant’s mental health
  • To provide equipment to help participants be active in their free time, outside of the programme

The project began virtually on Zoom with gentle chair-based exercises, then once Covid rules were relaxed, the sessions began to take place in real life at the Waterfront Leisure Centre in Woolwich, Greenwich. The participants were guided by Sophia Loew, a GLL fitness instructor.

The project coordinators made sure that any information that was needed for the programme was accessible to participants by creating easy read guides about the programme and the leisure centre. This clearly paid off as one participant described knowing where to be and when as “a piece of cake” and another said it was “simply easy”

Knowing when to be and where was “a piece of cake” with the specially produced easy read guides produced for the programme

The group really enjoyed meeting in person and attendance improved when the group could meet at the leisure centre rather than online.

But it didn’t stop there – participants who wanted to go even further and exercise outside of the sessions were given digital exercise trackers and trained how to use them.

What were the outcomes?

While we are still waiting for additional data on physical health metrics like BMI, blood pressure and resting heart rate, there were positive individual improvements in some participants.

The group were provided with a questionnaire (sample below) about their mental health before the programme and will be asked to fill it in again afterwards so we can monitor if there has been any improvement in their mental health.

While we are still waiting for official data, testimony from participants like “The instructor, Sophia, she makes me laugh”, and a growing demand for spaces on the programme leads us to believe the project is proven successful.

Celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility – find out why 100% of patients at a sexual health and wellbeing service for trans and non-binary communities would recommend the service to a friend

In 2018/19 King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust was given a HIN Innovation Grant of £8,250 to set up a sexual health and wellbeing service, in partnership with cliniQ, a trans-led community interest company for trans, non-binary and gender diverse people, in south east London.

To mark Transgender Day of Visibility on 31 March, we got in touch with Dr Michael Brady, Sexual Health and HIV consultant at King’s and National Advisor for LGBT Health, NHS England, to find out how the service was going from strength to strength, and how the Innovation Grant funding helped.

He said: “The Innovation Grant funding really helped us with the trans clinic. It enabled us to get the clinic set up, established and evaluated and was a really helpful endorsement of the service which complemented the funding our local commissioners’ provided.

“We’ve been given another two years’ funding from the commissioners, which takes us up to April 2023, and we now have three research projects attached to the clinic, so we’re evaluating and researching as well as providing the clinical service.

“The clinic provides sexual and reproductive health service (STI testing and treatment, contraception, vaccinations, cervical smears and PrEP), hormone advice and support as well as peer support, mental health and well-being support and counselling. The clinic is very well evaluated by our service users with 98% of respondents to our patient survey reporting a positive experience and 100% would recommend the service to a friend. A key reason for the success of the service is the fact that it is co-designed and delivered in partnership between King’s College Hospital and cliniQ.

We were even visited by the Minister for Equalities in the Government Equalities Office, Mike Freer MP, a few weeks ago as well – so we’re getting some national attention as well!”

You can find out more about the trans clinic here.

Get in touch

For more information about how we support innovators, please get in touch.

Contact us

Personalising care plans – how PCSPs can improve health outcomes


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Christianah Olangunju, Project Manager, talks about the future of Personalised Care and Support Planning (PSCPs) and why she’s excited to watch this space develop.

Pictured above: Christianah Olangunju

One of the great things about my job at the HIN is getting the opportunity to work on a   wide variety of projects. I didn’t know much about Personalised Care and Support Plans (PCSPs) prior to this project, but I now think it’s a very exciting, promising and important area being developed in the health and care space. So, I thought I’d share what I’ve learned and what I think future developments might look like.

So, what are PCSPs?

We’re currently seeing a large number of people living longer with complex health conditions and health needs. Collaborative personalised care and support plans are essential tools to effectively support these citizens. PCSPs let people manage their condition while still doing what’s important to them, and still getting the most out of their lives. This may mean something different for everyone for example, planning in time for an individual to take their dog for a walk, or to walk to the post office for exercise, or to generally keep a level of independence. In short, they do exactly what they say on the tin – it’s a care plan which is uniquely personalised to each individual.

What’s the benefit of PCSPs?

PCSPs cross over the health and social care spaces, it’s not just medical professionals who can access a patient’s PCSP but also social care professionals. This means they can bridge what’s historically been a tricky communications gap and make sure everyone relevant to a person’s care can access the right information quickly and easily.

Having consulted with stakeholders and those in the field to determine what makes a good PCSP and what capabilities a digital solution should have to support the entire PCSP process, I’ve come to realise just how much potential these solutions have.

Good PCSP solutions should allow a focus on what matters to the person, they should be outcomes based, shareable and able to be reviewed regularly. PCSPs consider individuals’ wants and their lifestyle and work them into the care plan. Digital PCSP solutions then capture all this information and store it in one place that is owned by the patient and can be accessed by them and by their healthcare professionals.

Why the HIN was involved

This piece of work came about when our colleagues at Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN asked us to work on two workstreams from NHSEI’s digital personalised care programme. The aim of one of the workstreams was to define which capabilities and requirements the PCSP digital solutions should have to help support health and social care staff and patients. NHSEI then wanted to embed these requirements to ensure consistency across suppliers – meaning that when a commissioner wants to purchase a PCSP solution, they can be confident that it has all the necessary capabilities, and that the quality is consistent.

What’s next in the PCSP space?

There are a lot of personal health record solutions out there already which are doing a great job of supporting citizens, but I think PCSPs will take this further as we start to use them more, as people will be able to edit some of their information and therefore really take ownership of their care plans. This is still a new space, but from engaging with industry on this project I can see a lot more solutions emerging over the next few years, and I’m really excited to see how they develop.

I see the future of PCSPs creating a more collaborative way of working between citizens and healthcare professionals. People will be able to go into their plan, update certain fields and document any big changes that might affect their care. These plans are also dynamic, meaning that both citizens and professionals can think about actions they’ve taken, what worked and what didn’t, and update them accordingly.

Keeping the person at the centre of their PCSP process means that they’re equal partners in the care planning process. I think that this will see better outcomes because people have ownership of their own plan, and because the plan takes their whole life into consideration, not just their condition. I’m really looking forward to seeing how PCSP digital solutions develop to improve care planning for both citizens and health and social care professionals, I’ll be watching this space closely!

We're here to help

If you want to find out more about this project, please contact us.

Get in touch

Innovation Exchange webinar: Modernising Primary Care Telephony

Event: Empowering Patients to Self-Manage

Our interactive webinar “Modernising Primary Care Telephony” took place on Wednesday 2 March, 12:30-14:00.

The webinar showcased telephony innovations, highlighting the potential for modern telephony to improve communication in primary care across London.

Presented by the Health Innovation Network in collaboration with the NHS England Digital First Programme London, we looked at how updating traditional telephone systems can improve interactions with patients and support PCN development, flexible and remote working and help streamline service delivery.

This event updated primary care staff about emerging national plans around primary care telephony and built on previous work undertaken in this area through the Digital First Programme and learning from ongoing projects. The event also showcased several products on the market, helping primary care staff understand the breath and depth of functionality that can transform primary care processes.

In addition, the HIN has produced a commissioning guide on Modernising Primary Care Telephony which is now available for download from the Health Innovation Network’s website. This report was commissioned by Our Healthier South East London ICS (OHSEL)through the Digital First Programme and delivered by the Health Innovation Network, the Academic Health Science Network for South London.

You can access the event pack and running order here, and the slide deck here.

Video Running Order

Start time Topic Presenter
00:00:00 Introduction from Chair/

Health Innovation Network


Denis Duignan

Head of Digital Transformation & Technology

Health Innovation Network

00:04:50 Presentation:

A London region perspective around the opportunities of modern telephony in primary care.

Matt Nye

Regional Director for Digital First Programmes

NHS England (London)

00:09:57 Five 2-minute pitches*


Babble Ltd

Product: Babblevoice

Antoine Lever


EVAD Think Healthcare

Product: Think Healthcare Solution

Mike Smyth

Think Healthcare Team Leader    


Product: UC-One

Tim Gilliatt

Public Sector Account Manager


Product: Horizon, the modern Primary Care telephony choice

Amy Black

Business Development Executive                  

Premier Choice Group

Product: Premier Patient Line

James Gargaro

Sales Manager   

00:24:31 Presentation:

Taking an ICS wide approach to primary care telephony

Brian Stennett

NWL GP Telephony Lead, Digital First

North West London CCG

00:34:07 Four 2-minute pitches* Voice Connect Ltd

Product:  Cloud Based Patient Partner with Automated Telephony Repeat Prescriptions Review and Ordering Service

Paul Trayler

Sales Director     

VTSL Limited

Product: GP Cloud Voice

Rob Walton                          



Product: Surgery Connect Desktop App

Paul Bensley


Yo Telecom       

Product: Bespoke Phone System

Daniel Mills

Senior Consultant              

00:41:02 Presentation:

Advanced Telephony National Update

Nikki Hinchley

Head of GPIT Transformation, Digital Primary Care

NHS Transformation Directorate / NHS England & NHS Improvement

00:47:27 Panel discussion and Q&A session Speakers and Chair to take questions from the audience
01:16:13 Closing remarks Chair
* The Health Innovation Network and NHS England do not endorse or recommend any of the commercial innovations showcased at this Innovation Exchange event. The innovations referred to at the event are not preferred suppliers and there are other solutions that can support the challenges identified. This event is intended to inspire people as to how innovations can support health system problems, rather than endorse any specific solutions, with the sole intended purpose to be for guidance only.

Meet the innovator: Emma Selby


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In this edition, we caught up with Emma Selby, CAMHS Lead and Clinical Safety Officer from WYSA; an Artificial Intelligence company helping users gain access to early mental health support.

Pictured above: Emma Selby

Tell us about your innovation in a sentence:

Using Artificial Intelligence to support everyone in accessing mental health tools.

What was the ‘lightbulb’ moment?

I was working as a mental health nurse in services and doing some co-design work with a patient when it just hit us, something has to change. There are not enough therapists to support the number of people coming through services, we have to make mental health and wellbeing more accessible.

What three bits of advice would you give budding innovators?

  1. Get networking – social media can be your friend so learn how to use it within your professional code.
  2. You don’t know what you don’t know – and it’s okay to admit it. Don’t be afraid to say when you don’t understand something.
  3. Look after yourself – there is a culture in innovation and start ups that you must work your fingers to the bone. Take time to look after yourself or you will burn out.

What’s been your toughest obstacle?

AI is a very emerging technology, particularly within the mental health sector. Services are rightly concerned with risk and safety so it was important that we spent a lot of time getting the clinical safety case as strong as it can be.

What’s been your innovator journey highlight?

Being the first Mental Health AI application to be awarded an AI in Healthcare Grant by NIHR and NHSX.

Best part of your job now?

Being at the forefront of developmental changes in my profession and helping to shape the future of the UK mental health offering.

If you were in charge of the NHS and care system, what’s the one thing you’d do to speed up health innovation?

Have a single place where everyone across the country can go to find out about the innovations available.

A typical day for you would include…

Lots of online meetings, calls and paperwork as well as a good walk with my dog Arty so I can take a break from my screen.

Where can we find you?

Visit our website or follow us on Twitter @wysabuddy or myself personally @Emmyselby

GetUBetter – how we can implement a digital self-management tool into a busy emergency department for patients with back pain

Erin Murray – A Specialised Musculoskeletal (MSK) Physiotherapist, discusses how we can implement a digital self-management tool into a busy emergency department for patients with back pain.

Could we potentially prevent a huge number of patients returning to healthcare settings by empowering them with the knowledge and tools to recover well, then and there? 

getUBetter© is being piloted in St Georges Hospital Emergency Department

About four years ago, I found myself working in the Emergency Department (ED) at St George’s Hospital (SGH), south west London. This was where the problems facing patients with back pain or sciatica were first highlighted to me.  I found that these patients weren’t in the right place to be managed appropriately and were often given inconsistent discharge messages and advice and eventually sent back to their GPs.

Understandably, the ED is not a place where clinicians have the time to do anything but rule out serious pathologies, but equally, it felt to me like something was missing.  Could we potentially prevent a huge number of patients returning to healthcare settings by empowering them with the knowledge and tools to recover well, then and there?  This is what the literature advises, after all.

To be able to act on this four years later, with the help from the Innovations Grants Programme 2021 – has been extremely exciting for me.  We have been working on a real-world evaluation study in SGH ED, implementing the NHSx endorsed digital self-management tool getUBetter© for patients with back pain or sciatica.

The app supports patients by providing personalised and targeted day-by-day support, as well as advice and direction to local healthcare providers and services (including NHS physiotherapy) when needed.

Implementing this has been challenging, but hopefully, it will be the first step in showcasing the value of this kind of tool to reduce the burden on our overwhelmed EDs and improve the experience for patients and clinicians alike.

There is a consensus of negative feelings towards being faced with a patient with back pain in an ED.  This is understandable as there are often queues out the doors and down the corridors and no time or resources to complete a holistic assessment.  Hopefully, this feeling can now begin to change, as there’s now a streamlined pathway with an evidence-based tool to match.

“The app was easy to use, and the patient was able to download it there and then in the clinic.”

I have highlighted some of the positives, challenges, and next steps for this project below.


We have changed the back pain pathway to signpost clinicians to the getUBetter tool, for all patients discharged from the ED with MSK related back pain or sciatica.  This has required a lot of teaching and promotion to improve awareness and has included e-mails, teaching sessions, drop-in sessions, and posters.  There have been lots of positive messages so far about this such as

Many clinicians have felt this tool has filled a gap in the management of these patients. One said; “The app was easy to use, and the patient was able to download it there and then in the clinic.”


Trying to change someone’s practice is always challenging, and I think this has been made more so by clinicians working in an often very stressful and busy department.  There are also frequent, large turnovers of staff as well as slow Wi-Fi and computer systems which can make referrals more clunky.

Inappropriate and unscheduled care for back pain in the urgent care system is a significant challenge to influence.  This project is an opportunity to raise awareness of this to clinicians and patients, to increase the number of patients being referred to the appropriate health care service in future.  A drop in the ocean – but an important one!

We have listened to feedback so far to simplify the referral process and now have QR codes on business card-sized handouts.  One of the most important things I have learned so far is to keep things as simple as possible when introducing a new process.

Still to come…

  • We are collecting feedback from patients and clinicians on the acceptability of this app
  • We will continue to promote the use of this tool, if agreed with all stakeholders, and support other EDs to use it in their practice
  • We will explore expanding to all other MSK conditions (which are already set up on the app)

The opportunity to make these positive changes to patient and clinician’s experiences of managing back pain and sciatica has been made possible through the HINs innovation grants programme.  It is truly exciting for me that patients are now being given a standardised and evidence-based tool to enable them to self-manage their condition from the outset at St George’s Hospital.

  It is truly exciting for me that patients are now being given a standardised and evidence-based tool to enable them to self-manage their condition from the outset at St George’s Hospital.

Do you know?

Low Back Pain is the leading cause of disability globally¹.  It is the most common MSK complaint in EDs in the UK; but the good news is that most people should be able to self-manage with minimal support if they are given the correct advice²,³.

Attendances to the ED show a higher incidence of back pain in ethnic minorities.  The care given to ethnic minorities  can be different and driven by an entrenched unconscious bias within healthcare professionals⁴.  More work needs to be done but hopefully, this project is one small step in the right direction.

The NHS’ Long-Term plan highlights the need to deliver ‘digitally enabled care.’  The getUBetter app is the only app of its kind that offers the key features of self-management, behaviour change techniques and referral to local services and signposting⁵,⁶.  It has also been rated the number one MSK app in the U.K (Orcha Health).  Providing digital solutions has never been so important as now with the current COVID-19 pandemic and an over-burdened healthcare system.

We're here to help

You can find out more about GetUBetter here or if you want support with an innovation of your own you can contact our Innovation team.

Get in touch


  1. Vos, T., Abajobir, A. A., Abbafati, C., Abbas, K., Abate, K. H., Abd‐Allah, F., Abdulle, A. M., Abebo, T. A., Abera, S. F., Aboyans, V., Abu‐Raddad, L. J., Ackerman, I. N., Adamu, A. A., Adetokunboh, O., Afarideh, M., Afshin, A., Agarwal, S. K., Aggarwal, R., Agrawal, A., ... Murray, C. J. L., et al. (2016). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence,and years lived with disability for 328 diseases and injuries for 195 countries, 1990‐2016: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of disease study 2016. The Lancet, 390(10100), 1211–1259.
  2. Artus M, van der Windt DA, et al. Low back pain symptoms show a similar pattern of improvement following a wide range of primary care treatments: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Rheumatology. 2010.
  3. Foster N, Anema J, et al. Pain One Week After Associated Emergency Department Visit for Acute Low Back Pain is associated with Poor Three-month Outcomes. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2018.
  4. Hoffman KM, Trawalter S, et al. Racial bias in pain assessment and treatment recommendations, and false beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016.
  6. Berry et al. Evidencing the behaviour change model underpinning a personalised and tailored app for low back pain. Virtual Physiotherapy UK conference. 2020.

Community Diagnostic Centres – Cardiology Innovation Exchange

Event: Empowering Patients to Self-Manage

Our “Community Diagnostic Centres – Cardiology Innovation Exchange” took place on Wednesday 1 December 2021 from 9:00- 12:00.

The NHS London Community Diagnostic Hub (CDC) Programme are working closely with clinical pathway groups in the design and development of the CDCs to ensure they are meeting the needs of patients and the health system. Health Innovation Network and UCLPartners (Academic Health Science Networks – AHSNs) are supporting the programme to advise on innovative solutions to support the CDCs, in order to improve efficiency and care for patients.

To showcase this work, all three London AHSNs (HIN, UCLP, and ICHP) hosted an Innovation Exchange Event that gave clinicians, pathway experts, system leaders and innovators an opportunity to engage and discuss the innovative solutions that can support the set-up of the CDCs.

The innovations that were presented at the event had been selected based on challenge areas identified through our structured engagement with a variety of stakeholders in the field. The current focus is on cardiology and the pathways linked to heart failure, atrial fibrillation, chest pain and valve disease.

Please note, the innovations referred to at the event are not preferred suppliers and there are other solutions that can support the challenges identified. This event was intended to inspire people as to how innovations can support health system problems, rather than endorse any specific solutions.

You can watch the recording below, access the event pack here, and access the slides here.

If you’d like to watch a specific presentation, timings can be found below;

“Transforming Cancer diagnosis through technology and AI” interactive webinar recording

Event: Empowering Patients to Self-Manage

Our interactive webinar raising awareness of innovative cancer diagnostic tools and practices in cancer in South East London took place on on Wednesday 17 November, 2021.

This webinar, presented by the Health Innovation Network and the South East London Cancer Alliance, looked at how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are being used in diagnostic technology across multiple clinical areas in cancer.

We heard from Innovators and Tech companies including:

The SELCA Rapid Diagnostics Hub – The team will present their research on future practice and innovations to develop the service.

Kherion Medical Transforming cancer diagnostics through the power of deep learning, helping radiology departments become more effective and efficient, overcome resource challenges, and improve patient experience.

Odin Vision An award-winning Artificial Intelligence (AI) company founded by a team of eminent clinicians and artificial intelligence experts with the mission of creating the next generation of AI enabled applications for endoscopy.

Plus short pitches from health tech companies with solutions to improve the accuracy and speed of diagnosis, aid clinical decision-making, and lead to better health outcomes, including:

Behold – Bringing AI technologies to radiology departments in the NHS to support the accelerated diagnosis of acute, chronic and healthy patient examinations.

IBEX Empowering pathologists to make quicker and more accurate diagnosis with state-of-the-art decision-support tools.

Pinpoint – Using AI analysis of blood tests to produce a calibrated probability that a patient has cancer in one of the nine main cancer groups, covering over 98% of all urgent cancer referrals.

Skin Analytics Providing AI supported dermatology solutions in partnership with the NHS, supporting clinicians in their assessment of skin lesions.

You can watch the recording here and access the event pack here.