Early onset type 2 diabetes (EOT2D) is diabetes occurring in individuals aged 18-39 years old. Early onset type 2 diabetes is more aggressive than later onset type 2 diabetes and is more prevalent in people living within deprived areas and individuals from Asian and Black backgrounds.
The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Winter pressures project aims to: Identify and review COPD patients with increased risk of exacerbation and/or emergency hospital attendance over winte
Drug overdose is now the largest cause of accidental death in most developed countries and in the USA and UK alone, more than 80,000 lives were lost last year. Death rates are increasing and all existing efforts have failed to reverse this trend.
The InHIP maternity project aims to implement placental growth factor (PlGF) testing at Croydon University Hospital maternity unit and to improve access to risk management of high blood pressure throughout the maternity pathway.
The InHIP Cardiovascular Disease Prevention project is a pilot of a pharmacist-led community lipid management hub in Bexley, targeting those patients with existing cardiovascular disease not currently treated to target, with a specific focus on the CORE20 and PLUS populations in NHS England’s Core20PLUS5 framework.
The InHIP respiratory project in partnership with South London ICBs will be delivered between October 2022 – March 2024.
We led the scale up of the musculoskeletal pain intervention, ESCAPE-pain, from 2013 to 2021, when the programme was licensed to Orthopaedic Research UK.
Accelerating FemTech helps UK-based, early-stage companies, university spinouts and entrepreneurial-minded academics focused on women’s health to gain the commercial and funding momentum they ne
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is one of several thousand known diseases affecting fewer than one in 2,000 people. It is a rare disease and has not received the attention it deserves. We were funded by UCB to
The CVD Prevention Fellowship was a quality improvement programme for primary care clinicians in south London.
Covid-19 posed many challenges to the delivery of routine primary care, including the completion of annual diabetes reviews. During this time, the You and Type 2 Risk Stratified Pathway was developed
You and Type 2 at Home was a proof of concept pilot for a fully remote type 2 diabetes annual review pathway. It was developed during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, when primary care clinicians we
SELCA: Early Diagnosis and ScreeningDownload the case study.SELCA: Learning DisabilitiesDownload the case study.SELCA: Lung CancerDownload the case study.SELCA: Operational TeamsDownload the case stud
The rapid uptake of digital healthcare channels offers huge benefits, but evidence also suggests a close correlation between digital exclusion and social disadvantage. People with protected characteri
Medicine Safety in Care Homes The aim of the programme is to reduce medicine administration errors in care homes by 50% by March 2024, through medicines optimisation and quality improvement. The HIN e
Led by NHS England, the National Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme’s (MatNeoSIP) mission is to create and embed the conditions for all staff to improve the safety and outcomes
Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles for Diabetes (HEAL-D) in African and Caribbean communities.In the UK, people of African and Caribbean heritage are disproportionately affected by type 2 diabetes (
Women and birthing people from a Black, Asian or mixed ethnic background are up to five times more likely to experience poor outcomes during their maternity journey, including a higher risk of materna
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a term used to describe an enlarged prostate, a gland that surrounds the urethra. Excess prostate tissue can affect the flow of urine, making it difficult to empt
People living with sickle cell disease need frequent blood transfusion to manage their condition. Spectra Optia separates and removes sickle shaped red blood cells from patients’ blood and replaces
Thopaz+ is a portable digital chest drain system, allowing patients who have had pulmonary resection, or a collapsed lung need a chest drain to stay mobile during their treatment, reducing drainage ti
Sinusitis is swelling and inflammation of the tissues inside the head and nose, usually caused by infection or growths. Treatment with the XprESS system leads to rapid and sustained improvement in sym
The Health Innovation Network (HIN) Insights team undertook a rapid evaluation into a virtual ward model that was used to treat patients at home, in order to reduce pressures on services that had aris
Covid-19 has meant significant changes in how mental health services in south London have been delivered, with a particular shift from face-to-face appointments to video and phone consultations.