The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Winter pressures project aims to: Identify and review COPD patients with increased risk of exacerbation and/or emergency hospital attendance over winte
Drug overdose is now the largest cause of accidental death in most developed countries and in the USA and UK alone, more than 80,000 lives were lost last year. Death rates are increasing and all existing efforts have failed to reverse this trend.
In partnership with South East London Cancer Alliance, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts asked people with lived experience to design and produce a cancer elearning resource for people with serious mental illness.
In 2020, the HIN worked with the South East London Integrated Care System to explore how modern telephony systems can impact primary care service delivery. This culminated in the creation of a telepho
We are supporting three rheumatology departments across south east London (SEL) to trial a new service that supports patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to remotely monitor their condition. The se
The HIN engaged with OPUS and commissioned them on a pro bono basis to adapt their existing comprehensive guidance to ensure care home staff were aware of how to safely administer medicines without us
With outpatient appointments reduced due to the pandemic, the South East London Diabetes Foot Network which covers seven London boroughs and a population of two million, had to continue high-quality,
As a result of Covid-19, many patients and care home residents with dementia were no longer able to see their friends and family. The Healthy ageing and Tech team set about doing secondary research in
Reducing Inappropriate Polypharmacy in Care Homes Polypharmacy is a global patient safety challenge and literally means ‘many medicines’. It has been defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
To support people living with persistent knee, hip and back pain, the MSK team have developed two new, free and interactive ESCAPE-pain e-learning resources with Health Education England e-Learning fo
The HIN is proud to host a variety of dynamic Patient Safety-focussed Communities of Practice (CoP)
Not only does chronic hip, knee and lower back pain impact adversely on all aspects of an individual’s personal and social lives, it also impacts on their working lives. In the workplace, joint pain
England’s increasing older population is fuelling greater demand for adult social care services. We need to look at different ways of delivering social care in England and the implementation of new
ESCAPE-pain is a rehabilitation programme for people with chronic joint pain that integrates educational self-management and coping strategies with an exercise regimen individualised for each partici
The Joint Pain Advice intervention has been implemented over several years, in over 20 locations across England, and through it over 1400 people have learnt how to self-manage their joint pain. Profes
We worked with mental health trusts and community paediatric services in south London to support the adoption of an objective test, namely QBTest, to improve the quality and efficiency of the ADHD ass
Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are healthcare associated infections occurring in patients using urinary catheters.
Digital Content Prescribing DoctorLink is a GP online consultation system being implemented across South West London by the South West London Health and Care Partnership (SWL-HCP). It provides o
The Health Innovation Network (HIN) South London ran the Graduates into Health programme since 2018. The programme has recruited graduates and early careers professionals from across the UK and inte
The Health Innovation Network (HIN) was one of four national test sites selected by the Q Improvement Lab (part of the Health Foundation) to test ideas in practice to improve care for people with ment
The tech team worked on a project to review the social prescribing tools currently on the market. As part of the drive towards Universal Personalised Care (with 2.5 million people planned to receive p
Innovation Grants 2019 What good is an idea if it remains an idea? Simon SinekInnovation Grants 2019 Winners Useful ResourcesReport: Primary Care AI and Automation Grants Scheme pilot summary Download
This project provides insight into the opportunities and challenges across a wide range of settings for providing opportunistic testing for AF using mobile ECG devices in asymptomatic groups Project
Project OverviewStructured education is recommended as a basic and crucial part of care for an individual with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE